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- Start out with a Vietnam SEAL and strip him
- Repaint the face with custom blended flesh tone paint
- 1 old MAC V SOG or SWAT Commander uniform
- 1 "H" harness from Vietnam sets
- 1 web belt from Vietnam sets
- 1 pair of NVA boots
- 1 molded, black boonie from Mike Force figure
- 1 molded or cloth butt pack
- 1 Vietcong canteen
- 1 NVA canteen
- 2 smoke grenades
- 3 (lemon) frag grenades
- 1 chest rig from Mike Force
- 1 First-Aid pouch
- 1 Sub machine gun from Mike Force
- 1 knife from Air Cav officer
A very special thanks to Capt Fisher for confidence with this kitbash.