By: LT

The man carefully checks the trail as he leads three other men on their way to set up a listening post/observation post. (Oh, so that's what that set is.)

The RTO checks the map as they move toward their objective.

This one is called "Home is where you dig it" or "LPOPS don't dig themselves"

The slack man brings up the rear. Notice the U.S. markings on the canteen, the Ace of spades and joker in the helmet band, the smoke grenade, the poncho liner strapped to the butt pack, and the separated trigger finger.

The hole is dug and the men settle in unsure of what the night will bring. Here you can see the pull rings on the grenades and the "Big Red One" on the RTO's shoulder. The two small threads you might be able to see on the left are attached to claymores.

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