Here's a picture collage of a cloth M60 bandolier I recently made. To make these, I used the
straps from the original plastic Ultimate Soldier Viet-Nam M60 ammo bandoliers and M17 gas
mask carriers as well as cloth cut from Ultimate Soldier Viet-Nam uniform shirts so as to
match the character of TUS cloth combat field packs or buttpacks.
The finished bandolier fits
both the Dragon M60 and the Ultimate Soldier M60E3 just as it's supposed to. For the desert
soldiers in the picture, I used Dragon 6 color desert uniforms but replaced the Dragon helmets
and helmet bands with Ultimate Soldier because in my opinion TUS helmets are much more
accurate. I also prefer TUS web gear including Y suspenders, M16 mag pouches, canteens,
flashlights, belts, compass/1st aid pouches, and strobe pouches.