By: Boogermiester

I took the remote control truck from KB, removed all the stickers and got to work. The mud is all paint. I thinned it out and used a big brush to splatter it on.

It already had working doors, heck the side mirrors even fold in.

The rack on top is made out of aluminum tubing from the hobby store and the screens that you use to keep leafs out of your gutter.

A figure is a little big. They will fit, but I still cut out some extra leg room on both the passenger side and driver's side. The interior is pretty good, but it is all molded in a dark brown and looks horrible. With a lot of patience and more time than I had to do the shoot, it could be made to look really good.

The hood works, and the engine is a flat molded piece of plastic. Again, it could be made to look really nice.

To get the driver in a good looking position, ( he is a SS body with a SOTW head) I had to amputate below the knees. He didn't scream during the operation.

The driver side interior.



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