...The three Russian girls brought me to their house, in which all of them lived up on the second floor, with a
whole variety of other ladies ! They didn't stay in the town, because they couldn't handle the town and all of it's
problems. I told them that I would fix the problems in their town, just as soon as Spring time came around. They told
me, that they hadn't seen a "Good" man in a long, long time, and, they looked at me as though I were their next
meal !! They all stared at me, and I stared back at them. I looked in each one's eyes, and I felt like I knew them at one
time or another; I felt safe around them. Oh, they were all beautiful, beyond belief !!! Thank God, I didn't have a
Wife, or Girlfriend, back in the states, because this is every man's dream, isn't it? The next day, they let me take
their Jeep back to my downed bird, so I could get my flight-bag, and personal belongings. Meanwhile, which I didn't
know at the time, the group of SS who were at this town before, and killed all of the males, were on their way back; to
have the poor, helpless ladies, all to themselves...
Respectfully Yours, Cpt. Hogancamp,AVG.