By: One Shot

the next three belong to one guy. that McArthur Figure is one cool piece.

Didn't I tell you he had a table full of modern troops...... Awesome Display of 1/6th figures!

Who would'nt want this guy in his collection?

This Nazi Figure was left from one of the distributors to show for that days meet.

One Shot wants to thank Nan and Tung (EchoBase Toys Owners) for there hospitality. These guys went above and beyond the call of duty!

I hope you guys enjoyed the EchoBase Toys meeting photo's. I think it's pretty cool when we can all get together and show off our hobby. Funny thing is that everybody was asking about my 21C Tunnel Rat had a bunch of troops really interested in him. All they would say is that they never found one on the shelves. My guess is that they passed on it because it was 21C and was too "Toy Like" for there (DML,bbi) taste? but i tell you, that 21C Tunnel Rat is one of my favorite pieces to take out on my photo shoots. I told the guys at the meet that I visit Greenleaders board because the troops are there for pure fun of the hobby. As you know, I don't know squat about anything technical when it comes to naming vehicles, weapoans, ranks, insignias or any of that other stuff. my fun is taking pictures of 12inch figures in action! Nuff Said!
One Shot out!

Awesome get together as usual One Shot! I sure wish I lived a little closer to you guys. Special thanks for sending these great pics in and sharing them with us. - GL


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