These are some of the latest efforts with the T-38 JgPnzr by DeSimon- compare these to the photo link 2885 when I first got it.
The dissartation of the hinges is based on the what I learned from doing the driver's hatch- I did that one all wrong. The main gun mount I might have to diagram as I am not sure people will understand what I have done- the photos look pretty cool. As for the MG Mount- Annie claims it would have been cheaper to buy it if you tally my hours as a machinist- she's right, but don't tell her I admitted it... On a historical note- I origionally did it up as a 21st Panzer Division (Wehrmacht) until I came to understand that the 21st never had these- so I went with 12th PnzrJgdr Abt. of 12th SS- I don't think THEY had one either (they had Mk IV JgPnzrs), but I like the insignia and the 12th has a lovely reputation from a storyteller's POV... atrocities, lack of discipline, poor (often NO) recon, bigfooting gung-ho fools, the sort of people that make you accuse the storyteller of exaggeration! I intend to have FUN with these idiots... actually, children. The average grünschnable was 17! |