By: Gunners Mate

"Air America" Pilot in Laos

Two Air America "Flying Tigers" pose before leaving on a "cargo" hop.


Early Classic Collection Joe, Tiger Stripes, Hush Puppy on left hip, Claymore bag, grease gun, modern SAW ammo pouch for grease gun mags.

3rd Infantry Light Recon Vehicle

SOTW jeep w/ mounted 21st .50 cal, added SOTW radio pack behind passenger seat, rolled camo netting on hood is a piece of a mosquito shirt.

French Resistance Fighters prepare to question a captured German Soldier.

Self Portrait

This is my own personal Sam, Mini-Me if you will. This particular kitbash is ole Gunners Mate standing small craft/mine watch off The Paracell Islands on a WESTPAC cruise. (Every kid should have his own action figure, shouldn't he?)

Outstanding work there again Gunners Mate! Definitely a bunch of great looking soldiers in these shots for sure. It was hard for me to pick my favorite, but I have to say I really loved that French Resistance Fighter with the black beret. All of them were right up there though. Special thanks for sending these in and sharing them with us. -- GL


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