By: Average Joe

Here are a few shots of my hummer and super jeep. As you can tell its not to much, but I'm still a beginner in this hobby. The only thing I did to the super jeep was add the grenade launcher. I super glued the ammo box bracket to the roll bar and put a few empty shells in the back.

On the hummer I cut down the windsheild so its not square anymore and put a cloth covering for the roof instead of the plastic one. As you can see, it rolls back. I also took out the seats completely. the brackets on the front are for a winch I hope to add, which will be motorized if I can figure out how. You will also notice the snorkel kit, that's made of PVC. The lid on the front is from an iodine bottle. I thank the Dremel Company, Krazy Glue, and my parents for making this project work. -- Average Joe

Nice work here Average Joe! I believe that's the first time I've seen anybody hook the MK19 grenade launcher to the back of the Super Jeep. It looks great. Some nice work on that Humvee too. I can't wait to see it when you get it all finished. Special thanks for sending these in and sharing them with us. -- GL


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