Been really busy at work these past few weeks (tax season is tough for us). I popped in to read on the site update that you were running a bit low on photo's, so One Shot as usual for a Monday was headed over to my In-Laws house for dinner and decided I needed to snap some shot's for GL's board. The Modern Soldier is wearing a 21C uni on a DID body. The WWII USN Medic is from the 21C carded set, he's on a DML body. I added the WWII Leggings I purchased at the Echobase Toys BBQ a few weeks back. The SWAT Figure in black is a 21C SS body using a DID headsculpt using a 21C SWAT Team Leader Uni and a Power Team chest rig. I think he came out pretty cool looking. The Bearded face figure I believe is from Armoury? It was a 5.00 nude I picked up from the EBT BBQ. This is my attempt at a "Bounty Hunter" of some sort. Although he could be one of America's Finest or even slightly like a CIA Operative, I thought his scruffy face resembled a bad guy, you think? The 'Nam Era Soldier is a DML body wearing a Nam Vest I purchased at he EBT BBQ. (12.00 Bucks) In the end I think he looks kinda cool for a 5 minute bash. Most of the uni minus the vest is SOTW. I made a couple into Black and White for that "aged" effect. The Urban Cammo SWAT Figure is a BBi body on a 21C Uni. This happens to be one of my all time favorite uni's for some reason. The gas mask comes from a Hasbro Gi Joe Urban Fireman Figure. It gives it that added look I was searching for. As you can see I have had a couple of fun Friday nights hanging out in my garage meesing with my figures, even though these are just some quick shot's to show you my "Bashes", I thought I would send in a little update of my figures. Tax season has had me really busy lately (I work for a financial firm) But I did manage to catch up with AZTECA and let him know that a big Nam Era scene is due soon. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks to GL for the great work he does for us. One Shot out! |