.... I was in the middle of fighting off two Jap Zeroes over China, when they riddled my plane with so many
bullet holes, that I had to ditch her some where, and fast. On my way down, I saw a river and a town next to it...
....... *....... I must've blacked out or something, because I woke up outside of my crashed Warhawk, without a scratch on me!! I don't understand how I was thrown out of my cockpit, but I did know, that I was alive :) I took off my flight helmet and parachute, put my "crusher" back on, and headed out to follow the river, to the town that I saw through the clouds. I had my flight bag in the cockpit, but I chose not to take it, because the big bag would just slow me down. I followed the river until I came upon three Russian females *...WAIT A MINUTE !!!!! Russians in China ?!! and they're hanging-out next to an American Jeep ?!!... Three Russian Army Females (very BEAUTIFUL females), taking a break on an American Jeep, told me that I was in Belgium, not China, and that they were from a town with no name, about a mile down river. They told me, that they were on the lookout for the SS, who have been trying to find their town, and take it over. The Russian women told me that they stumbled upon the town when they were cut off from their troops, and that the town had only women in it, because a passing group of SS killed all the men, all of the children, and said that they'd come back for the women. They said that they told the women they'd stay with them, to help defend their little town against advancing Nazis; bad MEN. The three Russians introduced themselves as, Anna, Sarah, and the green-haired girl, was Deja Thoris. I introduced myself as being Cpt. M. E. Hogancamp, of the American Volunteer Group, helping China rub- out the Japanese, who were trying to take over China. I told them that they must be joking with me, when they said I was in Belgium, and they said, "nope", "we are not being funny towards you, Mr. Handsome American man". They said that I had a "good" face, and that I look to be kind and generous. Night was settling in, so the girls told me hop-in, and we'll go back to the town they're from. They brought me just past the town (which already had it's lights on), to their home; which was on the second floor of an empty building. Respectfully and Apologetically (for being in Belgium instead of China), Cpt. Mark Edward Hogancamp, AVG, class of 1938 |