By: GreenLeader

"...where we are about to talk with Legendary F1 driver Michael Shumacher."

"I'm standing here with Ferrari driver Michael Shumacher and his chief
mechanic Giancarlo."

"So Michael, how do you think today's testing went? Does it measure up to last
years championship winning Ferrari?"

"Well I think it went quite good. The tires held up very nicely and it seemed
to have all zee horsepower it needed. Plus it held tight in all corners.
I am looking forward to getting it out on zee track in zee future for a race.
It would do well at Indianapolis in zee U.S. Last years car was good, but this one is

"So what about your thoughts Giancarlo?"
"I too fink it will do very well for
Ferrari in coming races. The design team has put much work into de running of it."

"Well gentlemen, I want to thank you for the pleasure of spending the afternoon
with you here at the beautiful Ferrari testing ground. I know you both have
more work ahead of you today...."

".....so this is SAM with F1 racing champion Michael Shumacher in beautiful
Fiorano, Italy, signing off for another exciting special edition program here on your
favorite racing channel. See you next time on SpeedVision!"
Featured here is the UK release Action Man Grand Prix racing car with decals I made myself. Also featured here is the limited edition Michael Schumacher action figure by Hot Wheels. Max Steel is wearing the red Action Man racing suit from the Action Man racing driver set. The rest of the accessories seen are from the Action Man racing accessories set. Sam is wearing the racing suit from the Action Man accessories set and he holds a custom microphone with Hasbro headset. I'd like to send a very special thanks to fellow trooper PBI in the UK for helping me get this thing out of England and into my hands here in the States. A sharp salute to you buddy! -- GL
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