Situation: Macho Pana-Jungla guerillas attempting to flee to Colombia following their ambush on an MP patrol are being tracked down by SF Black Ops, Rangers, and the 193rd Infantry.
An SF Black Ops trooper takes one in the shoulder as he returns fire on Macho's discovered along the edge of a waterfall. |
Col. Welch receives the SITREP from the Black Op boys from his CCT trooper. |
The 193rd closes on the Macho's as their attached CCT trooper listens to the fire fight over his SATCOM. |
Spooks working the Colombian side of the border investigate the gun fire coming from the valley. |
T-Gore and his thugs processing coca are alerted to the fire fight. "Those damn Macho's are going to lead the Americans right to our lab". |
Macho's carrying their wounded leader arrive at a coca processing plant concealed in the hill side. |
Sgt. Leach of the 193rd presses on with their pursuit of the macho's down a stream bed. |