Code Name: "Black Jack" Real Name: Jack Melvin Rank: Captain Place of Birth: Liverpool, England Date of Birth: April 3, 1912 Height: 6' 1" Weight: 175 lbs Weapons of choice: Mark V Sten gun, Brit. fighting knife, Gurkha Kukri knife, US Fragementation grenade, Captured German stick grenade, Webley Mark VI revolver (used by Jack's father, John Melvin, in WWI) Profile: Known to his friends as "Black Jack", Captain Melvin is the scourge of the desert organizing and carrying out numerous hit and run attacks on German camps "Black Jack" has earned the respect of both allies and enemies alike. |
Code Name: "Black Heart" Real Name: Norman Heart Place of Birth: London, England Date of Birth: March 14, 1914 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 170 lbs Weapons of choice: Tompson, Colt .45, US fragementation grenade, large hunting knife. Profile: "Black Heart" is the right hand man of "Black Jack". He is as deadly as his name implies, and with "Black Jack" along, there is not a task the pair cannot accomplish. |