Argentine Spec Forces, Falkland Island War
By: Zoliman

Sniper. Argentine Regimiento 1982

He wears an Israeli made parka, green fatigues, U.S. Army M1 helmet with leaf camo, Argentine waterproof boots, and carries a M1-14 rifle with night scope.

La Anrupacion de Commandos Anfibios, Amphibious Commando Group.

Weapon is a L34A1 Sterling with a .45 cal. side arm.

Members of this unit assault the Govenors House in Port Stanly during the initial assault. All personel are scuba and Airborne qualified.

Searching a Royal Marine during the Falkland War.

Another great batch of figures from you old friend. Some inspiring project here for sure. Thanks for sending them in and sharing them with us. - GL


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