By: SWAT Doc

Viet Nam Corpsman

British Medic in Europe WWII

Korean War Corpsman

82nd Airborne Medic WWII D-Day

Soviet Army Medic, Afganistan War

Soviet Army Medic, WWII

German FJ Medic, WWII

Japanese Army Medic, WWII

The Soviet Woman Medics are dedicated to Mrs. GL and the other wife's, mother's, and sweethearts who put up with our hobby! -- SWAT Doc.

Outstanding work again SWAT Doc! I swear you get better and better with each new submission. Some awesome looking Medics here for sure. I have to say that Vietnam Corpsman was just too cool though. I love that guy! I sure can't wait to see what your next project is buddy. Keep up the terrific work. Special thanks for sending these great looking Docs in and sharing them with us. -- GL


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